Home Forums Theme support how to change image size on slider

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • hi i have the purple swingers theme How do I change the image width on allslider.
    also how do I animate txt


    normally the image width adapt always to the screen size, that’s why you should use always large images (2000 pixel with or larger).

    Animate text: What text exactly do you mean? Text in the content section the headlines on the allslider?

    well yes but I dont want it to take up the whole screen i have a side bar i want it to be next to it i dont want it to occupy the whole screen

    Ok, not sure if it will work, but you can try it: edit your page with the slider, go to the settings panel (“Custom Options”) below the editor, choose the “Slideshows” tab and change “Slider Type” from “Cycle” to “Cycle Boxed”, this will reduce the width of the slider to the content width.

    it does make it smaller but puts at top of page not next to so its not next to sidebar its on top of it.

    Ah, ok, now I know what you mean, but the allslider is only for the big slideshow on top of the pages / posts. If you need a slider in the content section you can edit the page and add a gallery into the content section with the WordPress gallery tool (Add Media Button above the editor), choose “Slideshow” while you configure the gallery

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