Home Forums Theme support How slider for property working on larger view?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    I want to know how slider for property working on larger view.. If you go into property page on front-end, you can see slider. When you click on any 1 of the slider image, it shows larger view of that image. Now my concern is when you are on larger view, I want an option to next and previous image. When I checked in code, this option is already there but it is hidden.

    I want to display this option. I just changed from display:none to display:block and it started showing but it only shows 1 image even I uploaded more than 10 images.

    Plz respond on this ASAP.



    sorry for this, with the jQuery plugin for the lightbox it’s possible to slide from one image to another, but with this code the HTML code is invalid, that’s why we can’t include the feature in our themes.

    If you want, we can make an update for you, then you can use it. What theme do you use?

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