Home Forums Theme support Hotel Dreamy Front Page slideshow

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 11 years ago.

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  • Hello there,

    Thank you for this awesome theme. But I’m not able to add home page full width slider. Please help me to add and configure it..



    I don’t know if you have setup already a slider. Go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Allslider. Create a new Pictureset (only names without whitespace (” “)), for example “home” or “home_page”.
    Then upload some images. After the upload the images are listet in the list at the bottom of the page. Here you can attache the images to a pictureset, for example “home” or “home_page” (one of the picturesets you have created).

    Then edit the page you want to show the slider. Below the editor is a box with some settings for this page. Hit the “Slideshow” tab, choose the slider you want to use (for example “cycle”, it’s the default slider we have used in the demo) and the pictureset, for example “home”.

    Now publish the page / save the changes and all is done.

    Hello there,

    Thank you very much for the support. It is solved.

    But one more thing… How to change the “hotel dreamy” name along with logo on left upper corner. I can’t find the place to change the hotel name.



    go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Customize WordPress.

    Here you can upload your own logo

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