Home Forums Theme support Hot Theme – Mobile – Gallery lightbox Touch Swipe and navigation ( Next Prev )?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi

    1. How activate in Hot Theme, for gallery Lightbox, in mobile use, the Prev Next navigation ( like for Desktop ) OVER images, left and right ?

    2. How activate in Hot Theme, for gallery Lightbox, in mobile use, the Touch Swipe ?

    Thank you !


    I’m sorry, both is not possible with the jQuery plugin we used to create the lightbox gallery…

    But is it possible, to have the normal navigation on desktop and the swipe navigation on mobile devices ?

    No, I’m sorry, the jQuery plugin does not support the swipe function…

    So i have to try another gallery, where the swipe function is available ?

    Would that be possible in the theme ?

    Yes, you can try a plugin with swipe function.

    Would that be possible in the theme ?

    Normally plugins should work with every plugin, so if the plugin was made with WordPress coding standard, then there’s no problem

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