Home Forums Theme support Hot Template Translation

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello guys

    The Translation on the Hot template works fine. But I got problem by the contact form translation.

    The translation works on

    But not on

    Can you guys please help me?


    found the problem, on the non-translated form we used the shortcode, and it looks like we forgot the contact form shortcode.

    We will make an update for this an upload it as soon as possible.

    Hello, how far are you with the shortode? Is it already in an update?

    Yes, it is already fixed with the most recent update (version 1.03)

    So can I simply upload the Update and overwrite the existing files and thats all?
    I think first I should backup the Theme Folder, right? 😉

    Yes, just upload the theme and overwrite the existing files. And yes, for security reasons you can make a copy of the theme folder before.

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