Home Forums Theme support Hot Template: Header add content

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello

    How Can I set the content in the Header to the top?
    Now it is centered -> http://www.club-romantico.ch/wp/
    I mean the Adress Details right.

    Thank you

    Have you found it already? Because we can see your adress details in the header…

    Thats not my request, the adress is in the header but the position is in the middle, I want the Adress on the top of the header area, how can change it?

    couldnt find it in the css or theme options

    Ok, that’s what we see when we visit your website, the adress is on the right, not centered:


    The adress is only centered on devices smaller than 768 pixel…

    I dont know why you dont understand my request?

    The adress-position is not on top, I want to have the adress on the top of the header!
    How can I do this?

    Ah, now I know what you mean. Please have a look at the file “header.php”, there you can change it (There is no option for it, you have to change it in the php code)

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