Home Forums Theme support Hercules – single portfolio shortcodes youtube

This topic contains 20 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Single portfolio shortcodes

    [youtube id=”xxxxxxx” width=”600px” height=”300px” ]

    only text youtube urls in []

    how do I change?

    portfolio shortcodes youtube
    on site there is no film only text [youtube id=”aaaaaaa” width=”600px” height=”400px” ]

    what should I change ?
    please help


    there was a problem in the single-portfolio.php file, thats why the shortcode were not working.

    We made an update for the theme, new version is 1.03 and you can download it in your account

    the problem the same

    new version is 1.03
    link download is 101

    Sorry, was only a caching problem, now it’s working. Please try it again

    the second problem

    Taxonomy Project Type
    <!– portfolio-taxonomy –>
    <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    title is last portfolio title
    how to change to project type title?

    Taxonomy Project Type

    the problem the same
    only text [youtube]

    <div class=”portfolio-1-right”>
    content is text
    no title
    no Read more //JQuery Portfolio Show ‘Read more’ Button-on

    Your are right, there was another problem with the taxnomy file. We fixed also this problem, new version is 1.04 and available now

    is it possible?
    visible section id=”head_line” + title Project Type?
    and pagination?
    On pages Taxonomy Project Type

    Pagination is working on this page, you can see it here:


    The section id=”head_line” is not possible because taxonomy is not a page like the default pages or posts

    Thanks for now
    Best regards

    You’re welcome!


    how to turn on the pagination ?

    You dont have to activate it, if there are too much entries the pagination appear

    12 portfolio type I added
    does not the pagination appear

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