Home Forums Theme support Height is overwritten

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello, I’m using the theme HOT.

    When I save the person height of 5’2″ it saves just fine.

    However, if I update the record for any reason the height becomes just 5.

    I can go back and re-save 5’2″ and its fine.

    Until I update the record again.


    hm, that’s really strange! Can you please try this: replace the >> ‘ < < sign with >> /’ <<, save it, and check if this solves the problem.

    Thanks for the reply.

    That didn’t help.

    But I did find something interesting, but not sure what to do about it.

    If I edit a person and expand the custom fields the value is correct.

    But if I look down further in the Person Settings the last bit is chopped off.

    If I save it when I edit it it looks like the Person settings value is kept.

    Hm, ok, that’s strange, but I have an idea. I’ll take again a look at the PHP code and provide a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you!

    Hi, we made an update for the theme to fix the problem. As soon as you update the theme the problem is solved.

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