Home Forums Theme support Header text color options (H1-H6) in "Body" customize revert back to white

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I have changed the color settings for all the “header” text settings for use in the body of all of my pages, but after saving, publishing, and refreshing, the color changes remain in the theme options menu, but the header text is white on all pages.

    For example, I changed H4 to a teal green color, and then published and refreshed the page. I’ve also cleared caches. The screenshot at https://imgur.com/5pEps7y shows how it appears after publishing the changes and refreshing the page. H4 in the options menu is teal (which is correct), but the H4 text on the page (in this case, the “Contact” above the black text) is white instead of teal. This occurs for all of the header texts (H1-H6). In every case, I have changed the color, and while changing it the live-preview changes accordingly, but after publishing it just changes back to white.

    If it helps at all, here is the page where my H4 text is white although the menu says it is teal: http://artifact-3d.com/index.php/contact/

    I am using the urban dark theme


    I saw your settings in the CSS file, but it does not overwrite the settings for the main section because you added the green color only in the general settings. Please to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Main Section -> Typography and change the color there, then it should work.

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