Home Forums Theme support hairbydesign Contact form translate

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello

    How can i translate these sentences in contact form?
    “Thanks, your email was sent successfully.”
    “Sorry, an error occured. Please fill in all details corretly.”

    I couldnt find.



    open the page-contact.php file, go to line 95 and 98 and replace the text in the _e( … ) functions.

    i already did this but it didnt work.

    Oh, sorry, my fault, the text for the Ajax response is here:


    lines 194, 199 if you want to use also the Ajax contact form widget, then change also the text in lines 209 & 214.

    Just replace the text in the ‘ … .text(“your_text_here”); … ‘ code

    Thank you very much. now i solved the problem.

    You’re welcome!

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