Home Forums Theme support Group Template Category not working

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello, I have a page set up called “Recipes” that I want to only show posts from the “Recipes” Category. The template is “Blog Grid” and under Custom Options I have the “Select Items Only from this category” set to “Category: Recipes” – however it still shows every post for every category. Any suggestions? Here’s the link to the page: http://zarobandev.com/clientdev/plantstrongdiva/recipes/

    Congrats, you found a bug! In the blog files is a wrong query_posts, therefore it’s not working. We make an update, I think tomorrow you can download it on Mojo…

    Oh good, so this time I’m not crazy. Can you confirm when the update is available to download? Thanks!

    Yes, of course, I will let you know…

    Update is ready, you can download Londra 1.02…

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