Home Forums Theme support Gourmet Theme – Meals Feature

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I think the theme is great, however I have several suggestion to make things easier. Maybe for the next version… 🙂

    In WP back-end meals management:

    • Add meal ‘price’ to the “quick edit” in the – so this can be updated quickly without going into each product. Easier to update large menus, as restaurant menus can easily reach 100 meals
    • Show the price in the meals overview list
    • Ability to sort meals by category


    • This okay for small menus, not for larger menus
    • Meals displayed on the website not depend on ingredients to be added, but rather description

    Sorry, don’t saw your question in the post above. Is the problem in the single view, like this one here:


    We have checked the single file, normally it should show the content, also if there are no ingredients.

    Stop stop stop, sorry, I was on the wrong post, don’t saw the second page for this topic 🙂

    Thank you for your suggestion, it’s always great to get a feedback for our themes. I think most of the ideas we can include in future updates…

    The ingredient issue occurs when the ‘get_meal_type_list()’ is replace with ‘the_excerpt()’ in the PHP template for Simple List view. I think it has to do with a validation in the PHP. However, i’m not a PHP programmer. 🙂

    Ok, thats strange. Can you send us the link to the page where the error occurs? Maybe it’s a problem with the css, because the wrapping span was made for a small content (the price), maybe the content is only hidden…

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