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This topic contains 19 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi There,
    Have several questions on the ‘meals’ feature of the Gourmet Theme I installed on WordPress 3.9.1 – Like what you guys have created, however there is no info about this in the support documentation. Can you provide separate docs?

    Navigation (possible issue)
    For some reason cannot link up the categories of the meals feature to the main menu. None of the categories appear in the category list when modifying the navigation menu (not even the sample categories). However the sample Menu shows this is possible.

    – Where can i find the ‘Meals List” setup & can this be done for only limited to 1 category, for example: Vegetarian?

    Home Page – Meals preview
    I would like to show only 1 meals category on the Home page. Currently it show the latest addition of all categories. Is there a short-code so I can show only meals of 1 category only, for example: ‘Deals’ (new category I made)

    Is it also possible to show descriptions instead of ingredients? Or do I need to modify a template somewhere.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.


    thank you for using our theme.

    Is it also possible to show descriptions instead of ingredients? Or do I need to modify a template somewhere.

    Yes, you need to modify a template, it’s the “meal-menu-grid.php” file in the theme root.

    Home Page – Meals preview

    You can use this shortcode:

    [meal_grid category=”deals”]

    This shortcode will show only items from the “deals” category.


    Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Menus and click the “Screen Options” Tab to the top right, then check all checkboxes. Now you can choose the categories.

    (Hope this is what you are searching for…)

    Thank you for your support!

    The short-code works well. Also the Navigation is now solved! When checking the Screen options noticed there are several categories to choose from. The category selected by default was not related to the ‘meals’. There for the slight confusion.


    In regards to modifying the meal-menu-grid.php in theme root.

    Is it also possible to show descriptions instead of ingredients? Or do I need to modify a template somewhere.

    – Yes, you need to modify a template, it’s the “meal-menu-grid.php” file in the theme root.

    Which line of code do I adjust. Not overly familiar with PHP. Although I have a strong HTML CSS background. I had look and could not identify where to adjust.

    Much appreciate!

    Opps, sorry, the right file is meal-entry.php, and it’s line 15.

    You can try to replace ‘get_meal_type_list()’ with ‘the_excerpt()’

    Fantastic that worked! Thanks again.

    Just one more question. How do I create meals pages sorted by meal category in simple list view?

    If I choose the “Meals menu simple list page Template” it shows all Meals on a page. I would like to:

    Option A Either show these grouped per category with title of the category as like how you look at them when dining in a restaurant.

    OR Alternatively:

    Option B Using a ‘side bar menu’ where you can select the categories from. When page is loaded to be able to have all the meals of 1 category as simple list-view instead of grid-view what it currently does.

    Hope you understand what I’m tying to achieve here. Looking forward to your reply.
    Thank you.

    Hi, thats not possible with the page templates. The page templates lists the meals by menu order, without sorting by category.

    You can use this shortcode:

    [meal_list category=’pizza’]

    [meal_list category=’burger’]

    Just replace ‘pizza’ and ‘burger’ with your categories…

    Okay, thanks for that… Those short codes are a help. I’ve added those to a page separated by sections and headers and achieves the same result as I’m after.

    It doesn’t work? If you want, you can send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) the link and a login for your website, then we can have a look at it.

    I have very similar questions on Gourmet:

    1) If I add a meal category, then http://mysite/meal-tag/dinner/ does display a list of all the “dinner” meals, but it shows it in a grid. Is there any way to have that default to the simple list?

    If not, is there any way that I can have a Menus-Dinners submenu open up to display the simple list of “dinner” meals without having to create its own page with the meal-simplelist shortcode? I have “lunch”, “dinner”, “breakfast” (etc) categories that I would like to each have their own menu item displaying in simple list and it would be great if I didn’t have to create a separate page for each of them.

    2) I also wanted to show descriptions in the simple menu list, rather than ingredients. I tried replacing line 15 in meal-entry.php with ‘the_excerpt()’, but that didn’t seem to change anything. Where is ‘the_excerpt()’ pulling text from? Or do I need to replace something in a different file since I want to use the simple list?

    I figured out #2: I had to edit meal-simplelist-item.php.

    One thing weird about this, though, is that the excerpt doesn’t show up unless the meal has an ingredient. Wasn’t planning on using ingredients, so it took me a while to figure this out.

    Still need a solution for #1


    for question number 1: No, I’m sorry, the category page display always a grid.

    If you know basic php, you can open the file “taxonomy-meal-type.php” in the theme folder and replace on line 47:

    < ?php get_template_part("meal-entry"); ?>

    with this:

    < ?php get_template_part("meal-simplelist-item"); ?>

    Then go to line 4 and change ” $cols=’3′; ” to ” $cols=’1′; “, then all should work.

    Other than needing to change “taxonomy-meal-tag.php” instead, that worked great, thanks!

    Ok, sorry, my fault. I’m glad it’s working now 🙂

    Thank you for your support it has been great so far.

    I figured out #2: I had to edit meal-simplelist-item.php.
    One thing weird about this, though, is that the excerpt doesn’t show up unless the meal has an ingredient. Wasn’t planning on using ingredients, so it took me a while to figure this out.

    How can this be adjust so it doesn’t need an ingredient selected?
    As those ingredients still appear when a meal is view in detail from the grid view.

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