Home Forums Theme support Google Maps Short Code Not Working

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    We used the Google Maps short code and followed the on-screen fields to enter in Map Type,Width, Height, Zoom, Longitude, Latitude, but the map is not displaying with the short code.

    We’re open to using the short code, but if not we’ll just get a map for our Contact page from Google directly.

    Let us know if there is something else we still need to do to use this short code.



    normally a shortcode looks like this:

    [map type=’ROADMAP’ width=’100%’ height=’300px’ zoom=’10’ x=’37.755651′ y=’-122.420826′]

    We know if you are using longitude and Latitude in another format ( without the ” .”), it’s not working.


    Yeah, that is the format we had and our short code looks like what you have in your example.

    The only other thing I can think of is that our IP address is not able to get to Google’s server to display the map? or…some other technical issue?

    Thanks for working through this.


    really strange, maybe there is a javascript problem. If you want, you can send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) the link to the page with the problem, then we can take a look at the source code.


    Ok…I think we figured out where our problem lies and why this wasn’t working. Your Wizard to enter the longitude and latitude seems to be reversed.

    Here is what the wizard inserted into the page:
    [map type=’ROADMAP’ width=’300px’ height=’300px’ zoom=’10’ x=’-83.21843′ y=’42.552009′]

    When we swapped out x and y as follows it worked.
    [map type=’ROADMAP’ width=’300px’ height=’300px’ zoom=’10’ y=’-83.21843′ x=’42.552009′]

    We did confirm on two different websites that the
    Latitude is 42.552009
    Longitude is -83.21843
    …for the address 640 N. Old Woodward, Birmingham, MI 48009, USA

    Let us know what you find on your end. Thanks for your help.


    thats very strange, we’ve sold more than 16.000 themes with this shortcode, and nowone has noticed that there is an error. However, thank you very much for the tip! We will test it and fix the problem.

    Latitude and longitude are reversed in the Eastend real estate theme when you’re adding an “object” (why isn’t it “property” instead of “object”?). This needs to be fixed.

    Why don’t you add a function to geo locate by zipcode and save people the hassle of having to get the coordinates from somewhere else, and then remember that they’re backwards when entering them manually?

    I’ve already got a pretty long list of work-arounds to try to explain to my client when adding properties to her site that uses the Eastend theme.

    Hi Jeffro,

    we’ve added the “map picker” in the property backend, we thought it’s the best way to get the latitude and longitude for a property. Why don’t you use the map?

    But you are right, we have to add a function to search the properties by zipcode, we will add this in one of the next updates.

    This is how most, if not all, would expect it to work:

    1) enter listing info, address, zip…
    2) update page (save)
    3) now the lat/long are set for the Google map
    4) now maybe your “map picker” can help people with not so accurate lat/long values and change the zoom level

    With the Eastend theme, I fixed the backwards lat/long text input fields and also set a default lat/long, and default zoom level. I fixed these by editing your theme files.

    No theme is perfect, but backwards lat/long values, is just wrong.

    You should have a “default location” that is able to be set. So when you add a new PROPERTY, it isn’t a blank map pointing to the middle of the dead sea like it is now.


    thank you for your post. We will consider your tip for our next real estate themes, maybe one day we can include the function also in the existing real estate themes

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