Home Forums Theme support Font type/color/size will not chage

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  feistymichelle 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi, I purchased this theme six hours earlier and I have spent way too many hours trying to fix very simple aspects, such as changing the font, the size, and the color. I have changed everything within the theme that seems logical, and some aspects that don’t, and nothing changes the font, color, or size.

    I am also trying to change the background color to black and that is not happening either. This looked like a very nice theme and just what I needed, but I have spent so much time trying to fix things that should be very basic. Considering I actually paid for this theme some support would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    This is the Arcon theme.

    Hi Michelle,

    we spoke already by email right?

    Yes, absolutely! You emailed me before I could barely finish my email. Thank you so much, wonderful service and this theme is perfect.

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