Home Forums Theme support Few Issues with Ladies Theme

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi, I have a few problems with ladies Theme. First problem is when I use a Parallax on a 4k Display I cannot get it to show fullwidth. It is also the same when I check your online Demo the Parallax at the bottom ( Lust for an Adventure ) only covers around 50% of the screen width and I can move it left and right when i hover with the mouse over it.

    The other problem are those 2 Errors:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wp_gi9fjb/xxxx.com/wp-content/themes/ladies2/7league/crop.php on line 34
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wp_gi9fjb/xxxx.com/wp-content/themes/ladies2/7league/allslider/allslider_settings_page.php on line 6


    the image in the section by default is always 100% width, the image is 1920 pixel width, so on a 4k display of course it’s too small. Only thing you can do is to use a bigger image or to set via style attribute “background-size:100%” to the section.

    For the error message: have you changed something in the php files? Or in the config.php file? Because both arrays are set in the theme files, only if you make changes this error can occur.

    Ladies theme

    Product pages

    Hi where is doccumentation for the theme

    This works great (This page was created in the import/demo content – I added/changed image)

    Trying to repeat on pages I created from “New Persons”

    Its not happening … The images are in “Slideshow Header”

    This theme has so much potetial, just kind of stuck



    of course, there is a documentation for the theme, you can download it in your account.

    For the slideshow: not sure what went wrong, but normally it works without any problem. Have you also set the images for the slideshows in the same box? After saving the page, are the settings still correct?

    Found it, it does not address the issue

    This works great (This page was created in the import/demo content – I added/changed image)

    <a href="http://staging.lasvegasescortsbabes.com/person/samantha/" title="This works Great, Its built off a default person">http://staging.lasvegasescortsbabes.com/person/samantha/</a>

    Trying to repeat on pages I created from “New Persons”

    <a href="http://staging.lasvegasescortsbabes.com/person/andrea/" title="Slide show Heading"></a>

    <a href="http://staging.lasvegasescortsbabes.com/person/shannon/" title="Slideshow Heading Not rendering"></a>

    This was build of an existing Person > The ‘Attached Images’ wont remove, the page looks like hell

    Also I cant scroll on this theme, I saw this was an issue in the forum, but the resolve wasnt there. I dont have the Script folder


    checked your site (Tammie) and it looks like it is working, have you solved the problem already?

    For the scrolling function:

    There is a problem with Chrome browser and a jQuery plugin we used for the theme, it for the smooth scrolling. You don’t need this plugin, so you can remove it if you want.

    To remove the plugin, you can open the file “plugins.js” in the folder “script” and remove the plugin by deleting line 7 – 26 (starting with “/* SCROLL */ ” and ending with “window.addEventListener(“mousewheel”, H, !1), window.addEventListener(“load”, k, !1));” )

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