Home Forums Theme support Featured images in lambada pages


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    seems the Lambada theme doesn’t show featured image in pages

    Is it right?

    there is a way to do it?


    by default it doesnt show featured images, because many user want to set a featured image for pages and use them in shortcodes, but don’t show on the page itself. But there is a function included to show it.

    Please take a look at the settings box below the editor when you edit the page, choose the “Slideshow” tab and choose “Featured Image” as “Slideshow / Header”, save the page and it should work.

    Thanks, I found it, anyway it’s not that I need because as slideshow the image is too big

    I need something like the fetured-image shown in the blog posts

    Can you tell me the shortcode to show them? Or maybe I should add some line of php code in the page

    There is no shortcode for the feature image. Yes, you can add some line of php code in the page template, but to be honest, I think the easiest way is to add the image in the content section, when you edit the page. Then you can control the size of the image on top and if you want to show always the image or not.

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