Home Forums Theme support Featured image size Seaview Theme

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • My blog post featured image size keeps getting cropped too small. I want it the same size as the Seaview theme demo but for some reason it’s getting cropped to 500px × 255px. The images need to be scaled to 700px × 357px like the demo. Where in the code can I fix this problem? I tried changing the media settings but that didn’t work. Thank you for your time!

    Hello Karina,

    Certainly your uploaded picture for the blog post is to small. It has to be 700px X 357px at least. Our uploaded pictures for the blog have a width of 1000 px. WordPress scales it automatically.

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