Home Forums Theme support Estend : multiple slideshow ?


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Dear 7theme team

    Few weeks ago, I asked you to integrate the multiple tab option for the real estate description (thanks again)
    Today, I would like to integrate, on the below page, three slideshow instead one now.
    I would like each of one in a tab (the first tab for indoor picture, the second one for outdoor pictures, the last one for 3D pictures)


    Could you say me if the existing code allow me to setup this request ?

    Many thanks for your help


    Hi Frank,

    I have to take a look at the code, but I’m really sure this is a really really big change in more than one file. I think the easiest way is to use a plugin for the slideshows, maybe the additional tabs you can make with the code we give you for the other tab

    Thanks for your reply, the use of another slider is done ..

    you can see the result at if you want : http://immoovation.com/?estate=appartement-angevillers

    Thank again the team for your support

    Great work! You’re website looks amazing! I like it!

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