Home Forums Theme support Error installing Cucina Restaurant theme

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • When I try to install the Cucina theme I get the following message:
    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
    Theme install failed.

    If I unpack the zipped file and install the enclosed zip file separately, it will install – but not the demo data. So the site does not look or behave anything like the demo.


    you try to upload the wrong folder. Please look inside the folder you’ve tried to upload, inside is a zip file called cucina.zip, thats the right zip file. If you have problems with the installation, you can send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) the login for your WordPress installtion and the URL, then we can install it for you.

    I have categorized my meals into breakfast lunch and dinner. I would like to have a page for each of the categories – rather than one long meals list. I am using the page template “meal menu simple list” – but can’t find any way to select just the category I want to show.

    Can you help me?


    the template “meal menu simple list” displays only all entries for the meal post type. With the meals_grid shortcode you can display only entries for a specific category. You can use it with this shortcode:

    [meal_grid type=”pizza” columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    The problem is I don’t have images for all of the menu items – so I really don’t want to use the grid – just the list. Is there any way around this?

    Also – I cannot seem to place images on my home page. I want to insert PDF images of my printed menus and when I “add media” nothing happens.

    Take that back – I don’t seem to be able to place images with the “add media” button on any of the pages at all – regardless of file type.


    sorry, we thought you need the grid shortcode with the categories filter. If you want, we can make a shortcode with the list entries.

    A PDF file is not an image, so you cant insert this as image. If you want, you can try this shortcode to display your PDF file:

    [g_pdf url=”http://the_path_to_your_pdf_file.pdf”]

    How can I display a simple list filtered by category using the page template “meal menu simple list” ?


    the shortcode is:

    [meal_simplelist category=’pizza’]

    Dont forget to replace ‘pizza’ with your category.

    I used the shortcode above, [meal_simplelist category=’pizza’] but when I replace “pizza” with “pasta” I still just get all of the items in the pizza category.


    Hi, found the problem. You are using version 1.03, current version is 1.06. We’ve included the “sort by category” feature in a later version. As soon you update the theme, it works.

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