Home Forums Theme support Epic Theme – QuickGallery

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hola,

    I’m using your theme “Epic” and I not understand how the option Quickgallery works.

    I have created a new page called “Gallery” using the template QuickGalleryGrid, but i do not know how to add the photos

    1 Saludico,


    thank you for your post. Its very simple: create a new page, upload the pictures and choose the “Quickgallery” template. No publish the page, and all attached images are visible on this page.

    I Understand. But then, how I can remove images that are already in the gallery?

    Also thats easy. Go to the page, edit, and than click “Add media”. Now opens the “Insert Media” dialog. Now choose the image, click “Delete Permanently” and close the dialog. After this, update your page and all is done.


    I installed Epic theme without content – how can I install it?

    Hello Olice,

    go to WordPress admin panel, click “Tools” > “Import” and upload the demo .xml file.

    You can download the demo xml file here:


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