Home Forums Theme support Eiffel Theme -Category is not display for Portfolio

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years ago.

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    I have installed the Eiffel Theme. In that theme when im try to include the Portfolio . Its works well, But when i include the Category. Its not showing the category. Instead its showing everything

    Here the shorcodes im trying

    [portfolio columns=”3″ number=”3″ category=””] —> Normal

    [portfolio columns=”3″ number=”3″ category=”Architecture”] —> To filter only that category.

    Please help me to resolve this. thanks.


    I think the problem is that you use the name, not the slug. Normally WordPress transform the slug always to lowercase, so you could try to use “architecture” instead of “Architecture”, I think then it will work.

    I have tried the slug also. There is no reaction for both.

    Can you send us ( info @ 7theme. net) the link to your website and a login? Then we can take a look at it

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