Home Forums Theme support Easy Rooms Category Missing from Paris Admin Bar

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Recently the Paris wordpress theme was installed. Initially there was an easy rooms category which I noticed went missing after about an hour of the theme being installed.

    All other categories that came with this theme are still present, it was just this category that went missing.

    I tried deactivating plugins and clearing cache plus reactivating them, but the category is still missing. The initial easy room pages I made still exist as I can get to them from the sample preview when navigating rooms.

    Is it possible to easily get this category back?


    I think you updated the plugin. Unfortunately the author of the plugin removed the menu entry “Rooms”, but you can visit / add / change your rooms always in WP admin -> Reservations (in the menu on the left).

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