Home Forums Theme support Eastend theme : delete media linked to an object

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Dear all,

    I created an object (home) and added 5 medias (pictures) to this object. I have 5 images in attachement.

    I deleted one of this media (from the media menu) .. the media is correctly deleted from the phpmyadmin database.

    However, the media is displayed on the announcement detail after the delete (5 attachements with one of them displayed with a litle icon (as pictures not found) ) but if we click on it, the media (picture) is displayed.

    Thanks a lot for your feed back

    Sorry, please don’t take my previous post into consideration, it seems that there is a cache problem .. I will check and will revert to you if the need be



    … ” it seems that there is a cache problem” …

    Yes, I think so too. Let me know if you need our help.

    Best, Stefan

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