Home Forums Theme support Eastend Theme : bug with pictures

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kremfr 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Dear all,

    First, thank you for your constant support since the beginning.

    I have two last request for my website :

    – The first linked to the tab management (in progres on your queue)
    – And the second one, very important too : It seems there is a bug when we try to display pictures details of a real property.
    If you click on a picture with a small support (as a mobile) to display it in a big size, the picture don’t appear correctly ..
    If you try to make a zoom on the mobile screen, the XL picture opened scroll on the right bottom of the mobile screen ..

    In summary, it’s very difficult to display effectively picture details by mobile.

    It is possible to correct this functionnality ? or better, it is possible to integrate a pictures display similar to facebook ? (when you click on a picture of a portfolio, you have all pictures displayed in scrolling, with the format of the full mobile screen)

    Could you contact me in private if this need is billed.

    Thanks a lot to help me for this two last point

    Best regards

    Up ..

    A gentle reminder .. Thanks for your help


    Hi Frank, we dont forget you, currently we are working on a solution…

    Send you an email with the instructions…

    Thank you for this great solution .. you’re the best 🙂

    Dear all,

    Unfortunately, the new option ‘Use Tosrus Lightbox’ is not working.

    I sent you an email with attached document to show you the result.

    Thank you for your feed back, it’s the last important need before production


    Hi Frank,

    do you use some plugins? Maybe there is a javascript error with a plugin. Unfortunately we can’t see the source code of your website because the screenshot you send us is on a localhost.


    Thanks for your reply.
    I made a test with a basic wordpress version, no specific pluging used.

    I will put the update in production and will send you the necessary access ..

    See you later

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