Home Forums Theme support Eastend theme : add fields in the property details

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kremfr 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi 7theme team,

    I have a new question please. Could you say me if we can add some new fields in the property details.

    For exemple, in the following page, I would like to add news fields as property tax, heating type and many other information (in the ‘details tab’).

    I would like add also a new tab next to the ‘caractéristiques tab’ wich will contain the energy performance diagnostic.


    Thank you for your answer always appreciated

    Hi kremfr,

    that’s really a big change in many files. Maybe we add some of the features in a future update…

    Hi webadmin

    Thanks for your reply.
    Indeed, I understand that there is a big change, however, there is the most important need for the business (after have understood the wordpress use).

    To allow me to progress with this need, could you say me if a temporary solution would be to add a new table in phpmyadmin and add all fields required.

    Could you juste explain me the process use in this theme to make a connection to a table and add new data to this table.

    thanks a lot


    i think add a new table in the database is too heavy. Why dont you use the WorDPress “Custom Fields” function, that an easy, secure and fast way.

    For the “energy performance” I would insert a simple table in the description. Thats the fastest solution.

    I forgot the link to WordPress Custom Fields:


    I will check, many thanks for this link 🙂

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