Home Forums Theme support Eastend-single-default.php

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Dear team

    A quick question about the Eastend-single-default phppage ( easier that the Internet Explorer compatibility 🙂 )

    Could you please explain me how to manage the Contact Tab at the bottom of the page

    I would like translate the field name in French and perhaps add more information in this part

    The code coming from the function do_shortcode(“[contact]“) of this part ?

    <div class=”two_third_last”>
    <div id=”ocontact”>
    <?php echo do_shortcode(“[contact]“); ?>

    If yes, where is this function ?

    Thanks for all



    the [contact] is a shortcode, you can find the function (function contact) in the file “shortcodes.php” on line 914, the file is located in the “7league” folder.

    If you want to add more information to the contact form, it’s better you use a contact form plugin, because if you change our contact form shortcode, you have to change also the file for the ajax request. That’s why I think it’s easier to use a plugin.

    The contact form was made to have a small build-in contact form if you don’t want to use a plugin for it. But it’s only a simple contact form…

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