Home Forums Theme support Eastend: Project type cannot contain spaces?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Anonymous

    I am using the portfolio sortable template. If I give a project type a name with a space in it, when I click on a tab to show only that project type, no projects are shown. If I remove the space, those projects show fine. Please advise on how I can use spaces in my project type name.

    No projects shown

    Hi, we’ve fixed the issue in the new version. Right now we are uploading version 1.08. We fixed the problem with the white space in the category names and the “undefined” problem. The Mojo staff have to approve the update, then it’s available for download.


    Thank you so much. You guys are fantastic. 🙂

    You’re welcome!


    When you release the update, will I get a notification in WordPress admin? Or will I need to download it from Mojo again?


    no, you have to download it again on Mojo. The update is already approved, you can download it now.

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