Home Forums Theme support Eastend – Flickr Widget Username

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    We bought the theme eastend by mojo-themes.com site.

    The plugin Flickr Images (Footer 3 Sidebar Widget), is not displaying the user’s photos (flick name: empresarialannaraissa).

    What can we do?


    Ricardo Ribeiro

    Hi Ricardo,

    yes, we’ve tested it and there is a problem with the Flickr ID. We fix it as soon as possible and upload the update for it.


    we made the update for the theme, new version is 2.04, it’s already uploaded to mojo, after mojo approved the update you can download it there. If you want, you can upload and replace only the file “widgets.php” in the folder “7league/”, then you don’t have to update the complete theme.

    By the way: it’s important that you add your Flickr ID instead of the name, you can generate it here:



    It’s working properly.

    Congratulations and thanks for the fast support.


    Ricardo Ribeiro

    You’re welcome!

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