Home Forums Theme support Eastend : Ajax contact form translation

This topic contains 18 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Dear all,

    Could you please explain me how to setup and translate the widget :: Ajax Contact Form .

    Indeed, I tried to update the page-contact.php … update the fr-FR.po .. looking for another files but nothing.

    You can see the ajax contact form in the right footer of this page


    or two contact forms at the bottom of


    Many thanks for your reply



    sorry, it seems there is a problem with the translation file. To fix it, please open the file “custom.js.php” in the folder “7league/script” and change the text in line 212, 217, 227 and 232.

    Thank you for your reply .. I will update the file custom.js.php

    However, where is the location to translate the field Name, Email and Message for each input text form ?




    you can translate it in the file “shortcodes.php”, its in the folder “7league” and you can find it on line 922 – 930

    Thanks a lot for your reply .. I have now access to the full contact form translation.

    Last little request, could you say me what is the function to use in order to display correctly the ‘é’ or ‘è’ in the following line :

    line 206 :jQuery(“#success”).addClass(“alert alert_green”).text(” Merci, votre email a été envoyé avec succès. “);

    Display résult : Merci, votre email a �t� envoy� avec succ�s.

    I tried to change ‘é’ by “&eacute”;

    but display result : Merci, votre email a “&eacute”;t”&eacute”; envoy”&eacute”; avec succ”&eacute”;s.

    Thanks for your reply and your support



    you can take the HTML name for it:


    i.e. ” é ” => ” é ”

    I already used the HTML name .. but the result on the screen after posting is

    Merci, votre email a été envoyé avec succès.

    it seems that the system don’t take into consideration the HTML name ?

    Custom.js.php code :

    jQuery(“#success”).addClass(“alert alert_green”).text(” Merci, votre email a été envoyé avec succès. “);

    thanks for your reply


    text is correctly displayed on the forum … but in my web screen, é are not displayed, the is the HTML name that iis displayed

    you can tru to send an email from this page (tab “LE propriétaire”) and see the result


    Thanks a lot



    we’ve tested it but it seems you’ve changed something in the files, because the form is not working.


    I don’t understand what’s happening

    I replace ajax.php files by the original .. but always the same error …

    at the end of the ajax.php file .. there is this code
    echo “1”;
    echo “2”;
    //header(“Location: $url”);

    so the mail is sent but 1 is displayed ..

    I just made test on ajax.php and custom.js.php … do you have an idea ?

    (hard period for the site immovateur.com 🙁 )

    many thanks for your help


    AU SECOURS !! 🙁

    I delete my 7league folder and replace it by the original one …

    always the same error .. the screen display “1” when I send the mail ..

    There is something else linked to the ajax mail ?


    found the problem, there is a problem with the javascript, I think the problem is the minify plugin. Can you deactivate it and test it again?


    Thank you for your reply.

    Unfortunately, it’s not linked to the minify plugin (same problem after desactivation)

    However, i discovered perhaps the root cause (but I don’t fond the solution for the moment)

    In fact I display two times the contact part on the page estate-single-default.php

    The first in a tab (behind the Details tab) and the second at the bottom of the page

    The first is working well, the second (at the bottom) don’t working.

    There is perhaps a conflict, I don’t know why .. I’m looking for the reason …

    Perhaps do you have an idea ?

    many thanks for your help



    found the plugin / the file with the problem, its this here:


    So the plugin what cause the problem is the “Userpro” plugin. I think when you deactivate it its working again


    I desactivated User pro (which is a premium plugin)
    Unfortunately, always the same problem appears ..

    As I said in my previous message, the contact form is displayed two times on the page estate-single-default.php

    The first in a tab (behind the Details tab) and the second at the bottom of the page

    The first contact form is working well, the second (at the bottom) don’t work (mesage displayed : “1”).

    There is certainely a conflict code when this short code is called two time on the same page, but I don’t found what ..

    Could you have a look perhaps on this way ?

    Thanks a lot

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