Home Forums Theme support Dreamy Hotel Theme support

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    We bought the Hotel Dreamy theme and have the same problem as Martin2Tone.
    In fact, the result is perfect except about responsive on iOS Devices.

    Our version is : DreamyVersion : 1.0

    Can you please help us to fix this bug ?

    Thank You

    Hi, you can download the current version (1.03) on Mojo, there are all responsive problems solved…

    in my mojo dashboard, i DL the item, and in readme file there is Final release 1.0, changelog is :
    Version 1.0 Final Release
    Version 1.01 Updates for WordPress 3.8 update
    Version 1.02 Options for weather (Celius / Fahrenheit) added

    Is it this?
    Where can i find the 1.03 ? ‘Cause i havent in my buy dashboard.


    Hi, wrote you already by email, you can use also the Version 1.02, the Mojo staff have to approve the update first…

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