Home Forums Theme support Dreamy -> Cycle Slider with Captions not working

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hey There,

    first of all, great work with this theme.

    The only thing that does not work for me is using the cycle slide show with images with caption and read more link like it`s used in the demo.

    I tryed puting in the Maps with caption in the cycle slider. I tryed demo content with cylcle slider. And i read the manual for the theme and searched the support topics for that kind. All does not help me getting that to work.

    Every time i use the cycle slider with images that have caption (map,featured)
    the slides are not showing up.

    I use the latest wp version 4.4.2 maybe that causes the probleme.

    Would be great if you could help me on that.

    Thx a lot in advance.

    Now it works! Problem was that i named the slide like “Home / Welcome”
    After Rename to “Homewelcome” caption is shown like it should. Thx anyway!

    Ok, perfect, I’m glad it’s working! 🙂

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