Home Forums Theme support Documentation on TYCOO theme

This topic contains 16 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    I found the reason for the uploading image. The link option media Library should be set up to the URL image.
    Now please find others problems I have:
    1) Phantom reset favicon and logo image doesn’t work,
    2) How it is possible to give one option for all the pages and post? For example how to get the header image or sidebar every time on all pages and/or post and to be able to disable it on demand on certain page or post?
    3) Options : when selecting for example the slideshow type, it is not possible afterward to modifying it by asking “none”,
    4) When no sidebar selected will it be possible to display the content full size?
    5) The widget google maps location is wrong. The longitude and latitude doesn’t correspond. In addition I don’t know how to generate a page with the Maps function. Doesn’t work,
    6) The contact widget on mail doesn’t take what it is mentioned on the parameter but automatically take by default the owner e-mail address,
    7) I am not able to work with the testimonial, same for works etc…
    Missing documentation and shortcode documentation to understand how to do.
    Sorry but your documentation is weak.
    Thank you for your help.


    1. ok, we’ve tested the Phantom theme with all WordPress releases since 3.6, and it’s always working, we can always upload the logo and the favicon.

    2. I’m sorry, there is no global option for all pages / posts. You can set the sidebar when you edit a page / post / custom post type in the settings box below the editor -> “sidebars” tab

    3. In the Phantom theme? Normally there is an empty option for “none”…

    4. Yes, of course it’s possible, if there is no sidebar selected, it’s full-width

    5. Please send us the link to the page with the widget, then we can take a look at the source code and find the problem. The Google Maps APi / script is very sensibel, if you take a “.” instead of a “,” it’s not working.

    6. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Contact Page, there you can insert the contact mail address

    7. Its for all post types the same (i.e. as for portfoli): first create you entries, then add a new page and choose as page template i.e. “team grid” or “testimonials grid”.

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