Home Forums Theme support Display only one portfolio project type in a page

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I’m using the Caboom theme, which is pretty cool! I am trying to add different portfolio pages to my website. The first one with all of the portfolio items (every project type) and all other pages with only 1 project type per page. Is there an easy way (custom field or short code) to achieve that?

    Thanks a lot!

    Hi – I am trying to accomplish the same thing – I would like to have 4-5 project types and each of them have their own portfolio page. It seemed possible in the demo, but maybe I am missing something.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    you can do it with this shortcode:

    [portfolio type=”graphic” columns=”3″ number=”12″]

    Just replace ‘graphic’ with the name of the category you want to show.

    number = the number of items you want to show

    columns = the number of colums, 2,3 or 4

    Thanks for your answer!

    I have an other question regarding the sortable portfolio. My main portfolio page shows every portfolio items and everything looks fine. However, my page is in French and i’d like to change the “All” button for something else, in French. Where can I change that?

    Also, is there a way to organize the buttons? For example, I would like to organize them on 2 lines and not by alphabetical order. Here is the link to the page: http://www.evelyneb.com/Eb/collections/

    Thanks for your help!


    the “All” text you can change in the “sevenleague.po” file in the languages folder in the caboom theme. Please have a look on this post (working with .po files):


    You can sort the buttons in the portfolio with this plugin here:



    I tried both links you gave me but I can’t make it working…

    For the “All” button, I modified the sevenleague.po file and the wp-config.php file but it is not working. Do I need to rename the new file differently?

    For the plugin to re-order the buttons, I installed it but it is not working with the portfolios. I can see a “Re-order” option for the Team menu, for the Clients menu, etc. but not for the Portfolio menu. The plugin description says that it is not working with every template. Is it an exception?

    Thanks for your help, I really appreciate!


    did you changed the language in the wp-config.php to french? Then you have to create also a language file for french (take the sevenleague as basis for the new file). If you want to translate only the “all” text, it’s better you change only the “all” text in the sevenleague.po file and dont change the wp-config.php, then you don’t have to translate all the things in the language file.

    The plugin description says that it is not working with every template

    Oh, ok, we’ve tested the plugin with the portfolio function in our themes and it worked fine.

    Maybe you can work with this, another client of us is using this plugin:


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