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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello ,
    I bought This theme http://7theme.net/downloads/prestige-powerful-real-estate-wordpress-theme/
    But I can not find Demo content file
    Where can I find and How can I insert “allslider” in home page ??
    Plus I did not find help file

    Hi Mostafa,

    you can download the demo content here:


    and the documentation here:


    Unfortunately the Creativemarket has an extra download section for demo content and help file…

    Sorry, forgot the allslider. If you have created already the slideshow, please edit the page where you want to show the slider. Below the editor is a box with settings, please click the “Slideshow” tab, choose a slideshow type (i.e. “Cylce”) and the slideshow itself.

    Thank You , But when i import the demo content it’s show to me Failed to import


    the “failed to import” appears only for duplicate entries ( post / images ). If you want, you can send us the login and the link for your WordPress installation, then we can try to import it for you.

    Hi, I also have a problem with the demo content in Prestige.
    I have tried to import the file twice but the screen turns blank in the step 2 of installation:
    I’ve tried both in Safari and Firefox and with the demo.xml file that was bundled with the Bundledeal and with the file from the google drive mentioned above, and nothing succeeds. How long could I expect it to take on a usual 4 MB internet connection?


    we know the problem, if your server is too slow, it stop the import after 30/60 seconds. When you get the blank screen, just hit the “F5” key on your keyboard, then the browser reload and continue the import. Repeat this step until you get the “All done” message.

    I’m sorry, but it’s a problem with the server, not with your 4MB internet connection, because your server load the i.e. images from our server.

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