Home Forums Theme support deactivate ereservation

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    i would like know, how can I deactivate plugin ereservation. I tried with the normal procedure in wordpress, but the plugin is always actived.


    I think you use one of our hotel themes right? The plugin is always because its necessary for the theme. If you want, you can tell us what theme do you use, then we can tell you what file you have to change to deactivate it.

    the theme is Paris.


    ok, please open the folder “7league” and search for the file “extend-posttype-easy-rooms.php”, open it and change on line 40 this code

    'force_activation' => true,

    to this

    'force_activation' => false,

    Then it should work.


    You’re welcome!

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