Home Forums Theme support Daisy Theme jQuery issues

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 3 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    the theme DAISY creates jQuery (migrate) issues, for this reason the mobile menu does not work and there are partial problems with contact form 7.

    Can you please update the theme promptly and test on the current WordPress and jquery version.

    Best Regards

    Here is a log overview ….

    2021-04-26 22:06:59
    jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated

    2021-04-26 22:07:13
    jQuery.fn.toggle(handler, handler…) is deprecated

    Best Regards

    Hi Marc,

    we checked your website, and on our end the mobile menu is working without any problem. We also checked the javascript console, the only error we saw is in a contact form 7 file (Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelectorAll(…).forEach is not a function)

    We checked the theme again on our server (new WordPress installation and Daisy 1.07), also there were no problems with the mobile menu. What browser do you use?

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