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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi – I want to create the same footer layout as the Cut demo site, but don’t seem to have the settings correct. Can you point me in the right direction?

    I like the rotating testimonial, then the Contact Info, then I want to embed a Google map (instead of the Hours).

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.


    for the testimonials in the footer we’ve insert a text widget in the “Footer Sidebar 1” and added this shortcode:

    [testimonialslider direction="left" items="1" auto="true" number="4" itemsforward="1" width="470" right="30" ]

    For the Google Maps you can use a text widget with the embed code from Google or use the “Google Maps” widget, you can find it in WP admin -> Appearance -> Widgets

    Thank you, I got that to work now. The testimonials don’t seem to rotate and when I click on the arrow to move to the next, nothing happens. I see the code you provided has auto=”true” which makes me think it is set-up to rotate. Hmmmmmm.



    found the problem: with copy & paste you copy also the styling format from our forum, you’ve not insert the code from above, you’ve insert this in the widget:

    [testimonialslider items= "1" .... ]

    Can you copy the code above, insert it in a simple text editor (this will remove the stylings), then copy again and paste it into the widget, than its working.

    Thank you – fixed it. I feel SOOOOO silly. Thank you for your patience and assistance.


    You’re welcome!

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