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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years ago.

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  • Sorry for asking such a simple question but i seem to be underbrained today 🙂
    Where can i change the text for the contactform message => Nachricht and the button-text? Thank you for answering

    So – in one template i found the translation area. But in ASTRA there wasn´t such options. So i modified the page-contact.php. But two “old” translations were left. The red and the green alert (“Thanks, your email was sent successfully. “) => Error / Success are staying in English. Where are the text of these boxes located? Thank you for answering.

    Hi Sascha,

    no problem. The Ajax request is handled by another file, the part in the template file is only for the case a user has deactivated javascript.

    The file with the text is custom.js.php, it’s in the theme folder -> /7league/script/, the text is on line 195, 200, 210 and 215.

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