Home Forums Theme support Custom Options Delete data sets and dont safe

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • hey i have the Redcorner theme and since some days the data are deleted by one of the women and since today no more data can be saved under custom options

    see girl Jacqueline… no data inside-.-‘


    have you solved the problem already? Because we can see the content on your pages for the girls…

    no i dont have fix it,,, if i edit the home page the last database update will be override

    First of all: please deactivate all plugins and check if the problem persists. We saw in your source code you use a huge number of plugins and I bet there is a problem with one of the plugins. Our theme does not change the default content / editor / database functions of WordPress, that’s why I’m sure there is no problem with our theme. We tested it also on our server, and here is does work without any problem.

    I disabled all plugins and still the error occurs ,,,

    I have also found the error whenever it is used in a shortcode, for example to insert person grid, it strangely writes the data of another page / person / product too

    Can you send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) a login and the link to your website, then we will check you backend. I don’t think that the theme is the problem, we tested it now on more than 10 different server and websites and there was no problem. We use in all our themes the same functions and nearly 300k websites were made with our themes, and we never had that kind of problem. As soon you send us a login I’ll take a look at it

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