Home Forums Theme support Cucina All Slider

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    I have the demo data loaded for Cucina and when I create a new pictureset it allows me to use the demo featured images. When I upload a new image to the library I can’t access that image to add it to the pictureset. It does allow me to upload the same image to the pictureset but it does not put it in the library. Since the text on a slider uses the caption and the alt text to display on the slider I can’t get it to work properly. I did add info to the image in the pictureset but that also does not show up. Right now I have one image on the slider. http://luciano.valkeryie.com/

    I’m not sure if I understood you right? Do you want to use the uploaded image as featured image or in a slideshow? Have you uploaded the image in WP admin -> Appearance -> Allslider?

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