Home Forums Theme support Create a Search page on the site by the physical characteristics

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • In the theme “Hot”, I wonder if there is how to create a search page on the site by the physical characteristics of the escort? Example: For height, weight, color of the eyes…


    I’m sorry, for physical characteristics doesnt exist a search function, only the search parameter included in the theme…

    Whats parameters ?

    Search term + categories, see here (lef sidebar):


    You can use this shortcode:


    Good afternoon

    I conducted the search using the search parameter, but are not returned results even with models registered.


    we’ve tested it on our website and it’s working without any problem. Can you send us the link to your website, then we can search for the problem.

    Good afternoon

    The page is http://www.gatasvips.net/as-gatas/

    The search fields are:


    fields kisses on the mouth and makes Anal bring no result, when there are models registered with these options.

    Choose Genre

    Only appears Heterosexual option when there are more options (bisexual and lesbian)

    Choose Race

    Appears only White and Morena when there are more options (indigenous, mulatto, black).

    Choose From

    Only two appear when there are more registered option (Rio de Janeiro)

    Hm, very strange, because for the search function we used only WordPress core functions, and I don’t think that there is a problem with WordPress functions.

    Can you send us (info @ 7theme .net ) a login for your website, than we can check the backend for the problem.

    I sent the information requested by e-mail.

    Ok, great. I will take a look at it.

    good evening

    I found the problem. There is a small error in tema.Quando choosing any of the categories (Category, gender, origin, Ethnicith) the “Name” field may not have espaços.Por example “Kiss Mouth” I demand tests and the result did not return anything . But the switch to “Kiss” or “Kiss-in-mouth” (also changing the slug to equal the name), the results showed. Therefore it needs to be fixed this problem on the issue.

    Good evening
    I found the problem. There is a small error in the subject. When choosing any of the categories (Category, sex, origin, ethnic group) the “Name” field can not have spaces. For example “Kiss Mouth” demand test and the result did not return anything. But change to “Kiss” or “Kiss-in-mouth” (also changing the slug to match the name), the results showed. So it needs to be fixed this problem in question.

    I think it’s always like this, the slug don’t have spaces, and that’s why you have to use the name always without spaces / “-” signs instead of spaces.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome!

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