Home Forums Theme support Controlling Allslider in Dreamy

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 11 years ago.

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  • Hi. I got the Dreamy Hotel theme from Mojo, and installed all working, but i’m trying to synchronize Allslider with another slideshow i have on the same page.

    Is there any function i can call to change the slide on Allslider, or is there anything i can bind on slide change so i could run other functions at the same moment.


    Hello Hadrian,

    no, without changes in source code I think it’s not possible. What kind of slideshow are you using in content?

    SliderRevolution v4. (sliderrev. has listeners i can call functions on, so if Allslider also has them, i can synchronize both)

    Do you know which file the functions that control the slider are? I tried having having a look but could only until now find the code that builds the slider html, not the javascript itself.

    don’t need to worry, built my own cycle slider, same thing but with my code, so it ended up easier to sync with the slider revolution.

    great theme by the way 🙂

    Hello, sorry for the late answer, we had a few problems with internet connection.

    don’t need to worry, built my own cycle slider, same thing but with my code, so it ended up easier to sync with the slider revolution.

    Ok, great. Let me knwo if you need help for another case.

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