Home Forums Theme support Contact form not working

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi

    I am trying to find the problem for the contact form no matter how I fill out the form I always get the error message “Sorry, an error occured. Please fill in all details corretly.”

    The site is built using your zen theme

    The website address is http://oclandscaping.co.uk/ I hope you can help me out as it is not my website I built this for my friends landscaping business and he is concerned why it isn’t working but I I have tried everything I can think of and it just gives the same error every time

    Thanks for any advice to get this working


    we checked our theme demo and there is working all without any problem. Have you insert a mail address in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Contact Page -> Contact Mail? Maybe there is not set a mail…

    Thanks for the reply

    I have entered the email address in there, I have actually tried 2 different email addresses I started off with a gmail address and then changed it to an @oclandscaping.co.uk address in case that was causing the problem but whichever email I have in that box in the back end I still get the same error message when I try and use the contact form

    Hm, strange. What is your hosting company? Do your hosting plan support PHP mail function? Because some hosting companies don’t support the mail function to prevent spam attacks. Do you receive mails from your WordPress installation? For example when you click the “Forgot password” link?

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