Home Forums Theme support Concord shortcodes

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    How can I add an icon for ‘PDF file’?

    Also, when adding an icon shortcode to within an iconlist, only the icon code shows, not the icon. Ex:

    [iconlist icon=”circle” ]

    • Lorem Ipsum:[icon name=”icon-cc-paypal” size=”” color=”” bgcolor=””] Lorem ipsum.



    we’ve tested it and you are right, if the list is wrapped with the shortcode you cannot use shortcodes in the list. We will fix this as soon as possible and upload the update.

    Thank you!

    Is there a way I can add an icon for downloadable pdf file? It exists in Font Awesone, but isn’t in your list.

    thanks again

    We made the update for the concord theme, now you can use shortcodes also in the list shortcode.

    For the missing icon: we have to update the Font Awesome icon font, we’ll fix this issue with the next update.


    You’re welcome!

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