Home Forums Theme support complete frustration

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I really thought I could work with CABoom…. so I bought it. Now I’m completely nuts frustrated. I’ve spent hours and it looks NOTHING like the demo.

    HELP! Where is any information? Why doesn’t the font I choose show up anywhere on the page? And more…

    I’ve spent HOURS on this. and I’m nowhere and my colleagues are waiting….


    Hello Zee,

    thank you for purchasing Caboom Theme and sorry for the trouble.

    I saw on your page that is theme that installed incorrectly, so the styling files will not be loaded. You can try it: go to WordPress admin panel, click on “appearance”. Now you see more than once “CaBoom” theme. Unfortunately this can happen if you install it directly from the hosting provider.

    If you like you can send us you login for your WordPress installation send (info @ 7theme), then we install the theme again for you. Do you also have FTP login data? Then it goes faster …

    Sorry again for the trouble!

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