Home Forums Theme support Client Featured image link Parador

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    I was wondering if I can add an external link to the clients featured image? I would like to change it to an activity section where if you click on the image you are relocated to an external link like for example a theme park.

    I have already added the url to client options link but this does not seem to work.

    kind regards,


    if you want, we can include this in the next update. Unfortunately we have to wait until tonight, because we have another update (for the slider) on Mojo with this theme.

    Thank you that would be amazing.

    You’re welcome!

    Hi, I was wondering if the update has been made for the clients featured image? I tried to download from Mojo to check for an update but it seems that there is an error in the zip file, and cannot open it.

    We’ve uploaded the update 5 Minutes ago, now the Mojo staff have to approve it, then you can download it. The new version is 1.06.

    Thank you for the update! How am I able to apply the url to the clients featured image?


    sorry, forgot to say: WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Link Clients (checkbox)

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