Home Forums Theme support Classy Hotel – Display date on blog post


This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi, I bought this template.

    1) I can’t figure out how to display the date on a blog post.
    2) I need to change the text “read more” in room grid. If I modify the “read more” text in taxonomy-project-type.php, does not work. Where is this text located ?

    Please help me.
    Thank you

    1) I mean I want to display the blog post date (” … posted on dd.mm.yyyy”)

    Hi, the file for the room entries is “roons-entry.php”, there you can change the button.

    For the post date you have to activate the post meta, please check WP admin -> Appearance -> Blog -> Blog Meta (checkbox -> check it!)

    Perfect ! Thank you ! 🙂

    Is there a way to start the home slideshow (banner) with a random slide ? In my site there will be 6-7 slides , and is somehow boring to always see the same first slide.


    no, I’m sorry, there is no way to do that, the slider will show the slides always in order

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