Home Forums Theme support Change Portfolio Header Slider Size – Tripsters Theme

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello. I’m trying to decrease the size of the pre-set Slider Header for the Portfolio, Single Full-width format in Tripsters. I tried uploading a photo of the dimensions I’m looking for (2048 X 600 px), but it automatically crops the photo to be shorter and wider (about 1100 X 550 px).

    I’m flexible with the exact dimensions, but I would like the header photo height to be much shorter, to take up less room on the page. It can even be a static image, if necessary. Please let me know how to change the header photo size/format. Thanks!


    normally the size of the images in the slider is 1200 pixel width and 740 pixel height, WordPress will crop the images to this size if they are larger. You can upload i.e. 1200 X 500 pixel and WordPress will not crop the height, as long it is not higher than 740 pixel.

    Ok, Thanks That seemed to work. But there is a thin white border now showing across the bottom of the photo/slider. Any idea how to fix that? Also, since I’ll have photos in the gallery, I think I want that header photo to be a static image. How do I change it from a slider to just one image? I tried just putting one image in the slideshow header area, but then the image disappears completely from the page. Thanks!

    Ok, Thanks That seemed to work. But there is a thin white border now showing across the bottom of the photo/slider. Any idea how to fix that?

    Not sure what went wrong. Can you send us a link to the page with the problem, then we can take a look at it.

    Also, since I’ll have photos in the gallery, I think I want that header photo to be a static image. How do I change it from a slider to just one image?

    Ok, please take a look at the box “Portfolio Options”, set “Header Type” to “none”. Now the slider on top of the page is removed and you can set the image in the content / editor.

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