Home Forums Theme support Casamia Agent Contact info not showing up.


This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years ago.

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  • I imported the demo content without issue, but on all the listings from the demo content and the new listings I made none of the Agent Contact info shows up on the page. The icons are there but none of the numbers. I tried disabling plugins, clearing cache, and multiple browsers. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Note: By Agent info, I’m referring to the Agency Infos box with the Owner details.


    not sure what went wrong. Please go to WordPress admin -> Users, there is a list with all users. Please edit the users and check if there are set the additional information like phone number, … Maybe there was a problem during the import process.

    I checked the Demo again and it doesn’t actually show the owner information on the page that I thought was supposed to be there. So it is actually working fine. Thank you for your reply and sorry for my misunderstanding.

    You’re welcome!

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